Chris - Author
25/06/2019 15:12
Contact SMA Careline
Dear Insiders,
Our SMA Careline® team are here to support you through this transition phase of trying LITTLE STEPS® Follow-on Milk and answer any questions you may have.
Feel free to contact Mandy (the SMA Careline® Manager) and her team on:
- Phone: UK 0800 081 81 80
- www.smababy.co.uk/sma-careline
- You can also contact the careline via live chat
You can also contact the Careline via live chat on our Facebook page.
The Insiders team
Important notice: Breast milk is best for babies and breastfeeding should continue for as long as possible. LITTLE STEPS® Follow-on Milk is only suitable for babies over 6 months as part of a mixed diet. It should not be used as a substitute for breast milk during the first 6 months. The decision to start weaning or using this product before 6 months, should only be made on the advice of a doctor, midwife, health visitor, public health nurse, dietician or pharmacist, based on baby’s individual needs. When bottle-feeding, do not allow prolonged or frequent contact of milk feeds with teeth as this increases the risk of tooth decay. Ask your healthcare professional or dentist for advice. Never leave your baby alone during feeding as there is a risk they might choke. ZTC4284aj/3/2019